New Rider Info

New Rider Information for Parents & Students:

Welcome to the Tennessee League family!  If you are a new rider or parent of a new rider, then you are in the right place.  Getting involved with the League is simple and easy.  Our practice and racing season runs from July to early November each year.  Please email your League Director, Katherine Williams if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Step 1: Determine if you can participate on a team in your area. The list of current teams for this year can be found here. If you do not see a school based or composite teams are in your area, thats ok! Parents can start a teams (no experience is necessary, we provide all the training) OR you can race as an independent racer.

Step 2: If you do see a team listed in your area, contact your potential team via the team list OR email your League director to register as an independent racer in Pit Zone (our private & secure online registration system).

Step 3: Using the link sent via email, sign up with our League in Pit Zone and get “race ready“.

Step 4: Practice time!

Bonus Step: Volunteer with the League while your kids race! Click here for details